Environmental labelling of domestic packaging

Recycling Information for Packaging Materials

As provided for in Art. 219, comma 5, D.lgs. 3 aprile 2006, n° 152, from the 1st of January, 2023 all packaging must be "appropriately labelled in accordance with the rules established by the applicable UNI technical standards and in compliance with the determinations adopted by the Commission of the European Union, in order to facilitate the collection, reuse, recovery and recycling of packaging".

The following chart shows the information required for the recycling of all components used by Centrotecnica for packaging.

Packaging disposal information

Wooden box Wood FOR 50
Wooden pallets Wood FOR 50
Plastic pallets Plastic HPDE 2
Cardboard box Corrugated cardboard PAP 20
Corrugated cardboard sheet Corrugated cardboard PAP 20
Uncorrugated cardboard sheet Uncorrugated cardboard PAP 21
Stretch film Plastic LDPE 4
Pluriball Plastic LDPE 4
Scotch tape Plastic PVC 21
Shockproof cubes Plastic LDPE 4
Plastic bag Plastic LDPE 4
Plastic strap with seal Plastic and metal C/LDPE 92
Cardboard corners Uncorrugated cardboard PAP 21
Plastic corners Plastic HPDE 2
Paper filler Paper PAP 22
Plastic filler (chips) Plastic PS 6
Filler in air cushion Plastic HPDE 2